350th anniversary of Châteauguay: a new beer in honour of the fishermen of yesteryear

le mardi 27 juin 2023

The City of Châteauguay, in collaboration with Brasserie Distillerie Champ libre in Mercier, is presenting its new beer entitled Le Pêcheur as part of the 350th. This alcoholic beverage pays tribute to the municipality’s fishermen of yesteryear and will be exclusive to the region.

Translation Amanda Bennett

“Châteauguay is a town with a river and Lac Saint-Louis too. There’s no denying that fishing was done here. The photo our committee found of the town’s last commercial fisherman came just at the right moment to create this beer,” said Mayor Eric Allard at a press conference on June 15th.

Blonde and with a 6% alcohol content, it is the “third beer specially created for the 350th anniversary,” according to the press release. The two fishermen featured on the cans are Joseph Lalumière and his son René Lalumière.

Joseph Lalumière’s great-granddaughter, Élyse Dumoulin, thanked the city for honouring two members of her family in this way.

A little history

The two fishermen of yesteryear were “pioneers of commercial fishing in Châteauguay” in the 1950s. Back then, they made their own nets, washed them and fished them,” said Ms. Dumoulin.

Formerly established on D’Youville Boulevard near the Châteauguay River, the family business sold fish to Montreal, even though they had “very little means”. The father and son used to transport them by car to the big city,” said Ms. Dumoulin.

Other beers

At the launch of the 350th anniversary festivities in November, the town presented La 350e, a pale ale, and La Débâcle, a local white beer, designed by artist Stéphane Poirier.


The first beer, La 350e, and the second beer, La Débâcle. (Photo : Le Soleil – Tristan Ouimet)                                        

Hop lovers can buy Le Pêcheur at La Traite bistro, the Pavillon de l’île and Purgatoire, according to the mayor.

A fourth beer will be unveiled this fall, recounted Allard.