A New Youth Area at the Raymond-Laberge Library

le jeudi 25 juillet 2024

The Raymond-Laberge Library in Châteauguay inaugurated its new youth area on Wednesday morning. This space will provide children with a free and available area « at all times » during the municipal establishment’s opening hours, explained Patricia Robitaille, the head of the City’s Library Division.

The municipality invested $60,000 in the project, creating a brand-new location on the ground floor that is equipped with board games, toys, books, small tables, an umbrella-themed decor, a circular cushion area, and a new kitchen.

The space will also be used to organize various educational activities for children, such as dessert and pastry cooking workshops, language development games for youngsters (Biblio-jeux), crafts, computer workshops, and more.

The equipment in the new youth space is for on-site use only.

« We also have a space for children on the library’s first floor, but it’s too small to accommodate multiple workshops. With the new youth space, we’ll be able to host many activities this fall, » Mrs. Robitaille emphasized in an interview.

She added that there will soon be conferences dedicated to parents, offering them educational games to play with their children.

On September 30th, the Raymond-Laberge Library will hold an opening ceremony for the new youth are, where children can participate in various activities.

The inauguration of the space is also part of Châteauguay’s 350th anniversary. Mayor Éric Allard described it as a « legacy » of the city in an interview.

The Petite Enfance Roussillon Action also contributed to the project with a $1,500 donation for the purchase of board games for the Biblio-jeux program.

Between now and October 15th at 5:00 PM, citizens are invited to suggest « a representative and inspiring name for the youth area, » as stated in a press release issued by the city.