A Party to Celebrate Multiculturalism in Châteauguay

le vendredi 16 juin 2023

For 15 years, Châteauguay resident Agnès Mbome, Executive Director of the AfroMonde Foundation, has dreamed of organizing a multicultural event that would bring people together in her city. Her dream will soon come true, as the organization will be hosting the first edition of Bisso Na Bisso on June 29th in Châteauguay.

Translation Amanda Bennett

Bisso Na Bisso means “between us” in the Lingala language spoken in the Congo, say the organizers, who speak about an inclusive “us” for this festive evening of music and gastronomy.

“We want to break down perceptions and create links through the arts and culture, providing an essential springboard for embracing multiculturalism,” Dominique Ngando, head of communications at the AfroMonde Foundation, told a press conference. This organization has been behind the AfroMonde Festival presented in Montreal for many years. 

An Increasingly Diverse City

Having lived in Châteauguay for several years now, Ms. Mbome has noticed that the face of the population has changed. “Before, the Châteauguay community was very pale. Today, it has evolved a lot. We see a lot of different communities,” says Mbome, who hopes to forge more ties between cultures.

The more we get together, the more activities we do together, the more we practise together, the stronger our communities become,” believes Ms. Mbome. “And that’s what we need in Châteauguay.”

She also appreciates the openness shown by the municipality in holding such an event and making it part of the city’s 350th anniversary celebrations.

“It’s going to give us an opportunity to discover a little bit about all the cultures in Châteauguay through music, dance and gastronomy. It’s a unifying event, rich in diversity,” said Mayor Eric Allard.

Music and Flavours From Around the World

From 4 p.m. until 11 p.m., people from all walks of life are invited to the Agora to dance to the sounds of Latin, reggae, Haitian pop and Afrobeat music. Richy Jay, Nueva Vista, King Shadrock, Kotakoli, Maeva and La Voix finalist Jay will be on hand. Singer-songwriter Kizaba will round off the evening with a show blending traditional Congolese music with electro and pop.

Food from all over the world will also be on offer.

This free event is part of Canadian Multiculturalism Day, celebrated across the country on June 27th.

A varied portrait

According to the 2021 census, 20.9% of Châteauguay residents were born abroad. The Black population in Châteauguay represents 11% of the community (Source: Statistics Canada).