Châteauguay : Average tax hike of 4.1%

le mardi 23 janvier 2024

Châteauguay residents will have to pay an average of $155 more on their municipal tax bill in 2024, according to the budget adopted by the city on December 18th.

Translation Amanda Bennett

For an average home valued at $324,341, the municipal tax bill will rise from $3,767 to $3,922 in 2024, an increase of 4.1%. Most of the increase ($110) is attributable to property tax. The portion related to fees will increase by $45, mainly due to the increase in wastewater treatment rates.

No Dipping Into the Surplus

The City of Châteauguay adopted a budget of $123 million for 2024, making it the first budget in over 10 years that did not require the city to dip into its surplus to ensure a balanced budget. To meet this financial target, the city sought out new revenues. “We sold some land, which brought in money. We invested that money in investments with a higher rate of return than usual, which increased our revenues,” explained Châteauguay Mayor Eric Allard in an interview.

For the first time, the city has subjected each of its departments to a “zero-budget” process, in which every item of expenditure had to be justified. “We’re going to review all the services offered by the city. We’re going to try to optimize. It’s a process that will be conducted over several years,” he said.

 “We have also spread out certain investment projects over time to better manage our debt,” added the Mayor. The debt is stable at $139 million relative to 2022, according to the city.

Most of the budget’s revenue (78%) comes from property taxes and user fees.

On the expenditure side, part of the investment will be used for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. The indoor swimming pool construction project is not included in the 2024 budget. The Mayor has indicated that spending on this new infrastructure will begin in 2025.