Châteauguay vandalism : city facilities targeted

le vendredi 13 octobre 2023

Châteauguay’s Maison LePailleur is not the only place vandals have struck in recent months. Since the beginning of the year, six incidents of vandalism have been reported to the Châteauguay police, including the two that occurred at the museum.

Translation Amanda Bennett

The other four occurred in the area around the library, the Agora and the 350th CMP Park, all located on Maple Boulevard. Last week, the newspaper noted that the plexiglas behind the 350th and CMP logos had been broken on the new benches installed in the 350th CMP park.

« Several young minors were arrested as a result of this mischief, » said Audrey Jacques, Head of Communications at the City of Châteauguay. She added that the police regularly patrol these targeted areas on different shifts. « Our community policing officers regularly organize and take part in awareness-raising activities aimed at preventing this kind of mischief. They also work closely with various institutional and school partners, » she added.

During the night of October 1st to 2nd, the newly installed monument at Maison LePailleur was destroyed. This was the second work of art to be destroyed by criminals in a two-month span.