Collective Agreement : The City reaches an agreement with its firefighters

le vendredi 14 juillet 2023

The Châteauguay Fire Department’s trucks  are shiny and red once again. The Firefighters’ Union and the City have reached a tentative agreement to renew the collective agreement, thus putting an end to their pressure tactics.

Revised by Amanda Bennett

Châteauguay firefighters have been without contracts since December 31, 2019. City Council approved the tentative agreement on July 3, but the details thereof are not yet known. On its website the City indicates that « the final drafting of the texts will continue in the coming weeks » and that the details will be presented at the official signing of the collective agreement this fall. The firefighters’ union has repeatedly lamented the slow pace of negotiations over the years.

As a form of protest, the employees had stopped washing the fire trucks and subsequently painted them in different colours. « The city and the Châteauguay Firefighters’ Association are pleased to restore a pleasant working environment that is conducive to collaboration, » the city wrote on its website.


(Photo : page Facebook Ville de Châteauguay)

Mayor Eric Allard and City Councillor Luc Daoust even took part in cleaning the trucks alongside the employees at the fire station.