CPKC Holiday Train : A « satisfying » amount for Kateri Food Basket

le jeudi 25 juillet 2024

Kateri Food Basket, the food bank in Kahnawake, received $4,500 from the Canadian Pacific (CPKC) Holiday Train. With additional donations, the total amount reached $6,113, according to the organization’s director, Cory Rice.

« We are really satisfied, » Mr. Rice mentions. « This amount of money is crucial for our food baskets that we will distribute for the holiday season. »

He indicates that the total amount will help purchase more food for families in need.

« With inflation, food is expensive, » he explains. « With our trailers and the money, we will deliver several baskets within the community this year. »

However, the $6,113 amount is not a record. Cory Rice recalls that the Kahnawake food bank had received an estimated sum of over $8,000 during another edition of the Holiday Train.