Maison Moïse-Prégent : a contract to « preserve the memory » of the sector

le jeudi 25 juillet 2024

The City of Châteauguay has awarded a $31,905 contract to Les Services EXP inc. to take part in a study of what can be done on the site of the Maison Moïse-Prégent. Considered one of city’s oldest residences, it has not been used for several years and must be demolished because of safety issues.

Translation Amanda Bennett

« We’ve received several notices asking us to demolish it, but it’s important that we preserve the memory of this place and that we have something interesting there, » said Mayor Eric Allard at the August 21 municipal council meeting. He added that a number of stakeholders will be involved in the project with the city, which owns the building at 4 Chemin de la Haute-Rivière.

Services EXP inc. will provide landscape architecture design and engineering expertise as part of the contract.

Fatal fire

In the summer of 2022, a 38-year-old woman died in a fire in the garage on the grounds of the Maison Moïse-Prégent. She had become trapped in the barricaded building. In his report, the coroner in charge of the inquest, Yves Lambert, recommended that the city consider demolishing the property.