Mercier Bridge : Partial Closure for approximately ten weekends

le mardi 13 juin 2023

Due to maintenance work on the Honoré-Mercier Bridge, two out of the four lanes will be closed for approximately ten weekends between June and the end of autumn, according to Sarah Bensadoun, spokesperson for Transport Quebec.

During these partial closures, the bridge’s bearing devices will be repaired, platforms will be installed beneath the spans of the bridge, and steel components will be replaced. The contract, awarded in 2020 to the Mohawk Bridge Consortium in Kahnawake, is valued at $33.1 million. Recently, workers have carried out road repairs « to provide a smooth driving experience » for motorists, the spokesperson mentioned. « We want to maintain the safety of the structure while preserving the lifespan of the bridge, » said Ms. Bensadoun.

 Upcoming closures will be announced every Thursday prior to the scheduled work, and Ms. Bensadoun encourages drivers to « plan their trips accordingly. » A Future Bridge? The spokesperson for Transport Quebec also mentioned that a « major » project is being planned for the construction of a future bridge. This project is part of the Quebec Infrastructure Plan for 2023-2033. However, no details are available at this time.