OHR forced to reinstate two employees it had dismissed

le lundi 18 septembre 2023

The Administrative Labour Tribunal has ordered the Office d’habitation du Roussillon (OHR) to reinstate two employees who were dismissed in July. This comes at a time when the dozen or so employees were in the process of unionizing.

Translation Amanda Bennett

Administrative Judge Véronique Girard granted in part the request made by four employees and the Syndicat des travailleuses et travailleurs de l’OHR.

The interim order filed with the Tribunal alleged that the employer had interfered with union activities and retaliated against the complainants by dismissing or administratively suspending them for exercising their rights under the Code.

Yves Cody, who has been in charge of maintenance for nearly 20 years, and Annie Desjardins, a community worker for nearly three years, have been reinstated pending a final decision on the merits of the complaints.

However, the suspension of Christine Rochon, an administrative technician since 2014, and the dismissal of Nadine Van Eslande, an outreach worker since October 2020, have been upheld.

OHR, its officers, representatives and agents must immediately cease all measures of intimidation, interference, obstruction or reprisals against the union’s officers and members.

The two parties involved in this dispute will be called to a hearing.