Over 70 fines issued during the construction holiday

le lundi 14 août 2023

The Châteauguay Police Service (CPS) issued 74 violation tickets in just two weekends to overly hasty motorists during the construction holiday.

« In just four days, CPS officers handed out dozens of tickets, mostly for excessive speeds, within the jurisdiction covered by our police force, » stated Erika Grondin, the CPS socio-community officer, to the Journal. 17 fines were given to drivers in Châteauguay, 22 in Beauharnois, 17 in Léry, and 18 in Saint-Isidore. Despite the increase in apprehensions during the holiday, she noted that no major accidents involving serious injuries were recorded within the jurisdiction covered by CPS. According to her, it’s difficult to pinpoint the reasons that drive motorists to speed during this period. « Some might be eager to go on vacation, it’s hard to say, » the officer mentioned.