The watering restriction notice has been lifted in Châteauguay

le mercredi 7 juin 2023

The outdoor watering restriction notice in Châteauguay was lifted on Sunday, June 4th, according to the City. They cited the return of cooler weather and a significant decrease in water consumption in recent days.

The measure was implemented on the evening of May 31st, as the City wanted to prevent « excessive water consumption and maintain the integrity of our equipment. » They also mentioned that water consumption prior to the ban had been steadily increasing.

The City thanked the population for their cooperation and reiterated the importance of responsible water consumption throughout the year.

« By adopting a few simple daily actions, we can individually and collectively contribute to the preservation of this fragile and precious resource, » they expressed in a press release.

Regulation reminder

The use of sprinkler systems, porous hoses, or automatic sprinklers for lawns, flowers, gardens, and vegetable gardens, etc., is permitted again in accordance with the current watering regulations, only between 9 PM and midnight on Mondays for residences with even-numbered addresses, and on Tuesdays for residences with odd-numbered addresses.

However, manual watering using a container or a hose with a shut-off nozzle is allowed at any time.

Additionally, filling pools and spas is permitted every day except Sundays from 8 AM to 5 PM. This measure applies to all municipalities supplied by Châteauguay.

Finally, citizens wishing to install new sod on their property can do so by obtaining a valid permit for 7 days through the MonDossier application on the City’s website.