Wa’tkwanonhwerá:ton (Greetings)  

le jeudi 29 juin 2023
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This text was published by the Kahnawà:ke Tourism Office as part of Pow Wow Weekend in Kahnawà:ke, published in our paper version of the June 28th edition.


My name is Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer and I am the Grand Chief of the Mohawk Council Kahnawà:ke. It is with great pleasure that I take this opportunity to speak to the greatness of the community of Kahnawà:ke and its people. Kahnawà:ke has been in existence for hundreds of years and has evolved greatly to be able to serve our community members and open its doors to visitors for business and tourism.

Kahnawa’kehró:non have so much to offer, and we have a remarkable business sector with over 500 private businesses that exemplifies the incredible talent throughout the community.

It’s important for our community to be able to share and demonstrate who we are. There are many opportunities for visitors to come and reflect on what Kahnawà:ke has to offer, and the Kahnawà:ke Tourism Office is there to help and provide any information to assist you in your visit. One of the most significant aspects of our community is the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawén:na Raotitiohkwa Language and Culture Center & Museum (KORLCC).  Language and Culture is at the core of who we are as Kanien’kehá:ka, and there has been a lot of effort towards the revitalization and protection of these aspects of our Collective Identity.   

With that being said we are working to build a new Kahnawà:ke Cultural Arts Center that will be a state-of-the-art, multipurpose building housing a theatre, museum, tourism kiosk and Kanien’kéha language classrooms; the fundraising campaign is ongoing.

As much as I can say, sometimes words are not enough to express beauty that is Kahnawà:ke. I welcome you to come to our community and experience it for yourself.

Skén:nen (Peace)

Ohén:ton Í:iente ne Ratitsénhaienhs (She who stands in front of the Council)